the world through a lense
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Photo Page

There is nothing intresting here

I only set up this site so that my little sister would have a place to display the photographs I have taken of her. If you click on the like titled "Kate's Pictures" in the menu on the left side of your monitor you'll be taken to it. Or you could be a lazy bum and simply click here. If you would late to visit my actual webpage, click on my picture to the right.

Contacting the world

Do you have something you want to say? Well say it. Speak your mind; you'll be surprised how many people actually listen to you.

This is me

An 18 year old wanderer. I have dreams of reaching the sky.


Reach the girl

More Tips

Well you won't find any here. So sorry to inconvienience you.


Do you keep a diary? Would you like to start one? there are many online diary sites that allow you to post diary entries for the world to see. You can rant about how the new movie is horrible; rave about the amazing date you had last night' or just BS about life. If you dont want the world to know your thoughts you can lock your diary too. Or give a special password to a selected few.

start your diary now